Saturday 13 July 2013

Result » SmackDown! - July 12, 2013 (Hampton, Virginia)

Smackdown this week comes to us from the Hampton Coliseum in Hampton, Virginia and we are 48hrs away from Money In The Bank and we kick things off with Daniel Bryan coming out to the ring for the opening match.

Daniel Bryan vs Christian

Armbar by Bryan on Christian. Christian comes back with a shoulderblock. Dropkick from the second rope by Christian. Christian off the ropes and Bryan with a headbutt to the midsection. Bryan picks Christian up and irish whips him into the ropes. Bryan with a kneelift off the irish whip. Surfboard by Bryan as Christian gets to his feet. Kick and open hand palm strike. Bryan whipped into the ropes gets the boots up nailing Christian in the jaw. Spinebuster by Christian. Clothesline to Bryan and Christian goes airborne delivering a flying back elbow from the second rope. Bryan launched over the top rope to the floor. Christian misses with a baseball slide and Bryan with a clothesline. Bryan from the apron hits the running knee to the nose.


Bryan misses with the running dropkick in the corner. Kick to the back by Christian and he goes to work on Bryan’s neck but Bryan gets to his feet delivering a series of axehandles to the midsection. Christian bounces off the ropes and Bryan side steps sending him sailing through the middle ropes to the outside. Bryan runs into a right hand. Bryan dropkicks Christian into the ring steps. Bryan with his series of kicks into the corner. Christian reverses an irish whip. Christian with a sunset flip and both Christian and Bryan engage in a slugfest. Drop toehold by Christian as he hops to the outside hitting Bryan with a right hand.  Christian looking to fly again misses with the crossbody. Bryan’s turn to fly as he goes to the top rope but misses with the flying headbutt. Christian goes for the tornado DDT but Bryan counters. Bryan misses with a roundhouse, Christian with an inverted DDT. Christian looking for the spear but Bryan counters with a kick. A kick to the side of the head followed by another running dropkick. A second dropkick by Bryan countered as Christian spears him. Christian looking for the Killswitch but Bryan counters into the Yes Lock and Christian counters but gets hung out on the top rope. Christian with a kick to Bryan looking for a crossbody but Bryan catches him mid-air and gets the Yes Lock in for the submission

The winner of the match: Daniel Bryan

Backstage: Teddy Long is on the phone and Dolph Ziggler walks in and Long tells him he’s giving him the  night off. Ziggler says he wants to be out there competing and Long says Alberto Del Rio will be competing against Sin Cara later tonight and just wants to make sure Ziggler doesn’t interfere. Ziggler tries to reason with Long but Teddy says this past Monday night Vickie Guerrero was fired and he doesn’t want to be next. And with that said, he’s not letting anyone interfere in any of his matches tonight.


Seth Rollins vs Jey Uso

Waistlock by Rollins, Uso counters into a hammerlock but Rollins reverses into one of his own. Side headlock by Uso. Rollins with his own headlock. Forearm by Uso and a right hand to Rollins. Snapmare and low clothesline to Rollins. Irish whip by Rollins and he runs into a clothesline. Uso to the second rope as Rollins sweeps his legs out from under him. Back suplex by Rollins. Running splash in the corner by Rollins. Reverse chinlock on Uso. Series of chops by Rollins has no effect on Uso. Rollins misses with a series of clotheslines and Uso hits him with a right hand. Thrust kick by Uso and another right hand. Uso with a running splash in the corner.. Reigns on the apron for the distraction gets knocked off the apron. Jimmy takes Reigns out with a kick as Jey delivers a samoan drop to Rollins. Uso goes up to the top rope as Jimmy looks on. Reigns with a clothesline from behind as Rollins cuts Jey off sending him crashing to the mat and Rollins hits the Blackout  for the three count

The winner of the match: Seth Rollins


We get the Raw Rewind from Monday night  and Vickie’s job evaluation.

Chris Jericho vs Curtis Axel

Axel unloads on Jericho. Irish whip by Axel and he runs into an elbow.  Jericho unloads with a series of chops. Missile dropkick from the second rope by Jericho. Kneelift to Axel. Axel with a knee of his own.  Irish whip by Axel and Jericho leapfrogs to the second rope as Axel hits the ringpost. Jericho  gpes for The Codebreaker but Axel counters


Right hand by Axel. Axel from the second rope with the double sledge on Jericho.  Jericho mounts an offense landing a series of chops, irish whip by Axel and Jericho catches him with a kick to the face. German suplex by Jericho. Jericho going for Walls OF Jericho but Axel counters and hits back suplex. Irish whip by Axel, misses with the clothesline and Jericho goes to the top rope and hits Axel with a crossbody. Running bulldog by Jericho. Jericho misses with the Lionsault. Perfect Twist by Axel. Jericho looking for Walls Of Jericho, Axel rolls him with a small package. Jericho with a kick to the back of the head. Axel sent over the ropes to the floor by Jericho. Jericho with a baseball slide but Axel sidesteps leveling Jericho with a clothesline. Axel rolls Jericho back into the ring. Jericho hits the Codebreaker and Axel falls to the floor as referee Mike Chioda administers the 10 count

The winner of the match by count out: Chris Jericho


Miz vs Ryback

Miz outsmarting Ryback in the early stages of the match. Ryback misses with a clothesline and Miz gets a waistlock on him. Punch by Miz, Ryback charges and Miz pulls the top rope down causing Ryback to fall to the outside. Ryback favouring his left knee as Miz hits a baseball slide followed by an axehandle from the apron. Ryback rolls back into the ring, Miz slides in under Ryback but Ryback picks him up overpowering him in the corner. Ryback runs into a boot. Miz on the second rope looking for a cross body but Ryback catches him and delivers a powerslam. Double legdrop to Miz and a clubbing blow to the back. Ryback picks Miz up and drives him into the corner. Hard irish whip into the corner. Miz trying to mount some offense. Ryback picks him up, Miz counters and delivers a punch to the back of the knee. Miz off the ropes and Ryback mows him down with a clothesline. Ryback with a slam, goes for a splash but Miz gets his knees up. Miz with a series of punches and a dropkick to the injured knee. High running knee from the Miz and a big boot. Running clothesline in the corner, Miz with an axehandle from the top rope. Miz softening the leg up for the figure four and Ryback counters a first attempt. Miz working over the leg. Ryback goes down grabbing onto his knee. Charles Robinson helps Ryback to his feet. Ryback hits a clothesline and picks Miz up delivering Shell Shocked for the three count

The winner of the match: Ryback

Backstage: Renne Paquette is with Sheamus and Sheamus says Randy Orton is known as The Viper and tells an irish tale about St. Patrick driving snakes out of Ireland and says tonight he plans on doing the same and he’s not afraid of heightd and at MITB when he wins he’s going to cash in that contract whenever he wants and become a 3 time WWE Champion.


Teddy Long is in the ring with AJ and Kaitlyn for the contract signing. AJ makes a comment about the diva’s division and asks if they’re out to protect Kaitlyn then says half of them don’t like her and sure don’t like AJ but they should because no one cared about the Diva’s division until she won the title. And they can all thank her this Sunday when she wins. AJ signs the contract.  Kaitlyn then signs the contract and Teddy says it’s official this Sunday AJ Lee will defend the Diva’s Championship against Kaitlyn. AJ then reminds Kaitlyn about the texts from Kaitlyn’s cell. Kaitlyn grabs the cell and throws it on the floor and so we go to the TitanTron. AJ tells Kaitlyn to do herself a favour and tear up the contract and walk away and never show her face around here again. Kaitlyn says AJ manipulated her. She lost her friends, her title and herself but will never let a needy, clingy, man crazed psychopath destroy her again. She will be champion again while AJ is rocking back and forth in the fetal position in a padded cell and calls her crazy. AJ slaps her and Kaitlyn attacks her but Langston pulls her off of AJ and gets slapped for his troubles. Kaitlyn then turns her attention back to AJ and spears her.


Fandango vs Wade Barrett

Barrett hits a big boot to the face. Barrett unloads on Fandango in the corner. Hard irish whip by Barrett into a backbreaker. Barrett with knee strikes to the midsection and a clothesline.  Another series of knee strikes and Barrett lays Fandango across the top turnbuckle. Team Rhodes Scholars come down and begin arguing with Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter. Barrett, momentarily distracted, takes his eyes off of Fandango. Fandango with a right to Barrett and the roll up for the three count

The winner of the match: Fandango

We get the Raw Rewind highlighting the debut of the Wyatt Family this past Monday night.

Sin Cara vs Alberto Del Rio

Sin Cara unloads on Del Rio and Del Rio gets a kick in but Sin Cara continues the assault. Del Rio slides out of the ring. Sin Cara throws him back in and hits the ZigZag

Vickie Guerrero comes out and shows a ticket she says Teddy Long demanded she buy and says since she got fired she has been shown no respect and demands Teddy Long be fired and calls him a liar. Long comes out and says Monday she had two words. “You’re Fired”. Tonight he has one word for her. “Security”and calls security to escort her out of the building.

Backstage: Teddy Long calls out to Sin Cara who he thinks really Dolph Ziggler and demands to know what’s going on and says he gave Ziggler the night off. Ziggler walks in and Long turns around. Ziggler says he left his phone in the locker room and had to come back for it.

Sheamus vs Randy Orton

Sheamus and Orton trade punches and kicks. Headbutt by Orton and Sheamus turns I around unloading on Orton. Orton with the 10 punch. Knee to Orton. Suplex by Sheamus. Sheamus working on the arm and Orton delivers a series of headbutts. European uppercut by Orton. Sheamus with a slam, Orton sends Sheamus to the outside and Orton’s head bounces off the announce table.  Clothesline by Orton.


Orton in control with a reverse chinlock on Sheamus. Dropkick by Orton. Orton back to the chinlock trapping Sheamus in a body scissors. Slugfest between Orton and Sheamus. Orton pushes Sheamus against the ropes and Sheamus comes back with a clothesline. Sheamus unloading with axehandles. Shoulder tackle in the corner. Sheamus misses with the running high knee and Orton delivers a series of clotheslines. Powerslam by Orton. Sheamus hits the Irish Curse backbreaker. Sheamus looking for White Noise but Orton counters with a backbreaker. Sheamus counters the DDT. Sheamus delivers The Fiery Red Hand to Orton. Sheamus picks Orton up for a rolling senton. Sheamus misses with the Brogue Kick. Orton catches an elbow. Orton delivers the DDT. Sheamus counters an RKO. Sheamus goes to the top rope looking to hit the battering ram but Orton cutshim off.Series of headbutts by Orton. Looking for a superplex and both men topple from the top rope to the floor. Daniel Bryan runs and down and pulls a ladder out from under the ring. Bryan nails both Sheamus and Orton. Bryan climbs up but Sheamus stops him. Sheamus climbs up but gets stopped by Christian. Christian pulled down from the ladder by Sheamus. Sheamus gets knocked off the ladder by Christian. Bryan tips the ladder over. RKO by Orton to Bryan. Orton climbs up and unhooks the briefcase and stands atop the ladder with briefcase in hand as Smackdown goes off the air

-End Show-


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