Monday 24 March 2014

Result » RAW - March 24, 2014 (#1 Contender For IC Title, Scooby Doo & More)

In-Ring Segment: Stephanie McMahon, Randy Orton and Batista
RAW opens with an extensive video package highlighting what went down between Triple H, Stephanie McMahon and Daniel Bryan last Monday night. After that, Michael Cole welcomes us to a sold out Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York as “one of the principle owners of WWE,” Stephanie McMahon, is introduced.
Stephanie makes her way to the ring with a big smile on her face. She gets on the mic and thanks everyone for coming, but informs them that Daniel Bryan will not be here tonight. The fans are getting all over Stephanie with boo’s and “you suck” chants. Really loud. Stephanie downplays the “Yes! Movement,” to which the Brooklyn fans explode in “Yes!” chants, complete the hand-raising gesture. As Stephanie continues, an enormous “CM Punk” chant breaks out. A really big one, folks! It doesn’t last long, however, and Stephanie continues to talk, putting over Triple H.
As Steph continues to talk, Randy Orton’s music interupts her. The WWE World Heavyweight Champion makes his way to the ring with a scowl on his face. Orton says he’s not here to argue with anything she said. He says he respects Stephanie and her husband. He says, however, that he will have to beat her husband up if he gets past Daniel Bryan at WrestleMania. The crowd explodes into a loud “Daniel Bryan” chant. Steph cuts Orton off to inform the fans that they can chant all they want, but he is not going to show up. Orton sucks up to Steph a bit, but then tells her to make him walk away from the title match at WrestleMania. The fans erupt into a big “boring” chant.
Perfect timing.
As the “boring” chants continue, Batista’s music plays. The Brooklyn fans explode again, this time with hate-inspired “boo’s.” Batista’s music fades and the boo’s get louder. Batista says he doesn’t care about the fans, or who is in the ring with him at WrestleMania, he’s walking out as champion. As he continues to speak, his mic starts cutting out. He gets a different one. Steph cuts him off and says she can’t hear a word he’s saying. She takes the mic from him and tells him to pick up the other one. He does. “Check one-two, is this thing on?” says “The Animal.” The crowd responds by boo’ing the crap out of him again. Batista tells Orton he makes him sick and mocks him for sucking up to Stephanie. Batista says he’s drooling all over her, but that he’s got news for him — she’s probably been drooled on plenty of times. Stephanie slaps Batista and storms off. Orton falls down laughing. Batista turns around and spears Orton. He then holds the titles up in the air. His music plays, the fans boo on cue, and he exits the ring with a smirk on his face and a swagger in his step. We head to commercial.
Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Sheamus
When we return from commercial, Alberto Del Rio’s music is playing. He’s standing in the ring with Christian. We see Big E. seated at ringside. Dolph Ziggler’s music plays and the fans go insane with cheers. Wow that was a huge pop. Sheamus comes out to what sounded like a bit of a mixed reaction. Very lively crowd tonight in the Barclays Center. We have a fatal four-way match coming up now. We’re told that the winner gets a shot at the WWE Intercontinental Championship, which would explain Bg E. being at ringside for this one.
The bell rings and immediately Christian and Del Rio end up on the floor. Sheamus and Ziggler battle it out in the ring as Michael Cole reminds us that all four of these men will be part of the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal at WrestleMania XXX. Christian and Del Rio come back in the ring and they double-team Ziggler. Christian goes to dive on Sheamus on the floor, but Sheamus catches him and hits a fall-away slam on him into the barricade. Everyone ends up laid out on the floor as we head to a mid-match commercial.
When we return from commercial, Ziggler and Del Rio are going at it. Del Rio eats an elbow in the corner. Ziggler charges and gets thrown high into the air and lands face first into the canvas. Sheamus pulls Del Rio out of the ring and hits his rolling senton on the outside. Christian comes behind Sheamus and tosses him into the ring post. Christian goes for a cross body, but Ziggler rolls through into a close near fall. Christian back on the offensive with knees and right hands to Ziggler. Christian covers and gets a 2 count. Ziggler fights back to his feet, but Christian tosses Ziggler over the top to the outside. Sheamus shows up behind Christian and lands some lariats followed by a high knee. Del Rio charges and eats the irish curse. Christian gets tossed to the outside. Sheamus gets Del Rio on the apron and connects with his ten forearm blows.
Sheamus goes to the top, but Ziggler comes out of nowhere to hit an X Factor off the top rope for a very close 2 count. Christian back in the ring and Ziggler hits 10 punches in the corner. Ziggler connects with a big DDT to Del Rio and covers for another close 2 count. Christian hangs Ziggler up on the top rope. Ziggler went for the fameasser, but Christian counters into a power bomb. Del Rio hits a kick to the head but the cover is broken up by Sheamus. Sheamus takes Del Rio down and locks in the clover leaf. He lets it go and Sheamus hits a power slam on Christian. Sheamus calls for the brogue kick. He goes for it but Del Rio cuts him off. Del Rio locks the cross arm breaker on Sheamus. Sheamus fights back to his feet and lift Del Rio up. Ziggler hits a double Zig Zag. Christian comes out of nowhere and nails Ziggler with his Killswitch. 1-2-3. Christian wins the match, and the right to face Big E. for the I-C title on tomorrow night’s live edition of WWE Main Event.
Winner: Christian
Wyatt Family Promo
We see The Wyatt Family on the big screen. Bray mentions that people usually don’t believe in things they can’t see or touch. He says it is human nature. He says in the case of John Cena, we all see him. He said how could we miss him with everything the WWE shoves down our throats. What Bray is wonder though, is if John has seen Bray for what he is. He says he is the way to eternal pain. He asks John what could he possibly do to harm something that just can’t feel. Luke Harper says he can hear John whispering, and now they are coming to find him. Wyatt ends by simply saying “run.” We head to commercial.
Sin Cara (with Scooby-Doo) vs. Damien Sandow
When we return from commercial, we hear some unfamiliar music. We see Sin Cara making his way to the ring, and he’s joined by Scooby-Doo. Already in the ring is Damien Sandow. The bell rings to make this one official.
The fans break out in a light “Scooby-Doo” chant as Sandow goes to work on Sin Cara in the corner of the ring. As Sin Cara begins fighting back, a random “CM Punk” chant breaks out. Sin Cara hits his finisher off the top and pins Sandow. Sandow gets basically squashed in about two minutes. Yikes. We head to another commercial break.
Winner: Sin Cara
Los Matadores (with El Torito) vs. Ryback & Curtis Axel
When we return from commercial, we hear the Los Matadores theme song playing. The duo, joined as usual by El Torito, are already in the ring. Ryback and Curtis Axel, their opponents in this tag-team contest, are also in the ring already. Michael Cole talks about Ryback and Axel pulling out of the Andre Memorial Battle Royal to get a shot at the WWE Tag-Team Championships at WrestleMania.
The bell rings and Axel immediately goes to work on one of the Matadores. We see the whole arena stand up and look at something. It was The Shield, who came to ringside without any music. In the confusion, Los Matadores score a pinfall over Ryback and Curtis Axel.
Winners: Los Matadores
After The Match: The Shield Attacks
After the match, Los Matadores leave the ring. The Shield approach the ring and immediately go to work on both Ryback and Curtis Axel. Reigns blasts Ryback with a huge spear and then Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins hand Ryback to Reigns, and the three hit their trademark triple-powerbomb on him. The Shield music plays as the three guys touch fists. We head to another commercial.
Sit-Down Interview: Triple H & Michael Cole
When we return from commercial, Michael Cole is standing in the ring. He introduces Triple H for their sit-down interview, which will take place now in the ring.
HHH’s music fades and Cole begins by showing footage of what happened last week between Triple H and Daniel Bryan. Cole asks Hunter how he can justify his attack on Daniel Bryan last week. Triple H says the question he asks is confusing. Does he want to answer as the COO, or as a competitor. He says Bryan was very clear with what he was asking for. He says the WWE Universe got exactly what they were asking for. Triple H asks Cole if he was ever in a position to do what someone else wanted. He says it’s a horrible feeling. Cole says last week Triple H handcuffed Daniel Bryan. Triple H mentioned Bryan occupying RAW two weeks ago and the yes movement. He says Daniel Bryan put the fans in harms way to take over the show. Cole says what Bryan did was an inspiring act, and what Triple H did was not what a COO should do. Triple H says Daniel Bryan asked for the game. He says Daniel Bryan forced the issue and made Triple H become a competitor. He says that Daniel Bryan and the fans got what they asked for. He says now everyone is going to cry about it.
Triple H continues by asking what happened to this world since he quit competing full time. He used to do terrible things and he would see the same burning desire in the fans. He says what he sees now are soft and pathetic people. He says he sees a bunch of little people with now power or desire. Triple H tells the fans to send him a tweet to voice their displeasure. Triple H says it’s on him to change the future. Triple H says maybe he should start the reality era. He says that means at Wrestlemania, he ends Daniel Bryan’s run to the top and he ends the yes movement. He says after he is done with that, he is going to win the title and nobody can stop him.
“The Game” notes that the reality is that he has the power to make it happen. He says the reality is that he is going to walk out of Wrestlemania as the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Triple H throws the mic down and exits the ring. We head to another commercial break.
Fandango (with Summer Rae) vs. Cody Rhodes (with Goldust)
When we return from commercial, we see highlights of last week’s Goldust vs. Fandango match. After that, we see Fandango and Summer Rae finishing up their entrance in the ring. Next, Goldust’s music hits and he and Cody Rhodes make their way to the ring. Justin Roberts informs us that Cody Rhodes and Fandango will go one-on-one right now.
The bell rings to make this one official and Rhodes gets the early offensive control of the match. Cody goes for his corner roll up, but Fandango catch him with a boot. Fandango hits a spring board leg drop for a 2 count. Fandango hits a suplex and covers for another 2 count. Fandango locks in a shoulder lock. Cody fights back to his feet, but Fandango cuts him off with a knee. Cody comes back with a few clotheslines followed by a springboard drop kick. Cody covers for a 2 count. Cody goes for a whip, but Fandango counters with a right hand. Both men connect heads in the middle of the ring.
Meanwhile, Goldust and Summer Rae start dancing around on the outside. Summer ends up hurting her ankle. The distraction allows Rhodes to blast Fandango with his Disaster Kick. 1-2-3. Rhodes wins. After the match, we head to another commercial break.
Winner: Cody Rhodes
In-Ring Segment: Hulk Hogan, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Joe Whoever & The Miz
When we return from commercial, the host of WrestleMania XXX – Hulk Hogan – makes his way to the ring. The fans in Brooklyn give “The Hulkster” a huge ovation. His music ends and the fans start passionately chanting “Hogan, Hogan!”
Hogan starts by talking about how he made history right here in New York when he teamed with the newest addition to the WWE Hall Of Fame, Mr. T, by headlining the first WrestleMania. He says he’s excited for WrestleMania, and he’s also excited for tonight’s RAW guest hosts. Hogan introduces Arnold Schwarzenegger and his “Sabatoge” co-star.
Arnold says it’s wonderful to be back again. The fans actually give Arnold a great pop. They’re chanting something, but I can’t make out what it is. Arnold says one year ago he had the honor of inducting his friend Bruno Sammartino into the WWE Hall Of Fame. All three guys kiss each other’s asses a bit. Arnold talks about the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal and says Andre was one of his good friends. Arnold asks Hogan if he has room for two more athletes. Before Hogan can answer, The Miz’s music plays.
The Miz comes out. Miz does his “really” stuff and then puts over Arnold’s upcoming movie. He brags about his role in The Marine 3. Miz says Arnold and that Joe dude play tough guys, but he actually is one. He claims he’s going to win the Andre Battle Royal. Hogan and Miz argue a bit and then Miz talks about how he main evented WrestleMania 27 and defeated John Cena. The Joe dude gets Miz’s face. Miz goes to cheap shot him, but Joe blocks it and punches him. Arnold back-hands him and then Hogan throws him over the top rope and out to the floor. Hogan’s music plays again and the three stand tall in the ring celebrating. We head to commercial.
Big Show vs. Titus O’Neil
When we return from commercial, Big Show’s making his entrance to the ring. Already in the ring is his opponent for tonight, Titus O’Neil. The bell rings to make this one official and O’Neil goes to work on the big man early. Within seconds, Big Show has O’Neil down and is stomping away at him.
O’Neil gets in a bit of offense. Now the tide has turned, as O’Neil is laying the boots to the big man on the mat. Big Show gets up and gets fired up. He says that’s enough and pulls the strap down. He blasts O’Neil with his finisher and pins him. 1-2-3. That was a quick one.
Winner: Big Show
Backstage: The Authority & The Shield
Backstage, we see Triple H and Stephanie McMahon kissing. The Shield walk in. Seth Rollins talks about what happened on SmackDown and asks where they stand with The Authority. Triple H says their business with Kane is their business. Stephanie says that they will have a match tonight with The Real Americans. She says we’ll discuss this later or something, I missed it. Roman Reigns ends the segment by saying, “Yeah, we will. Believe that.”
Backstage: John Cena Is Still Scared
Backstage, we see John Cena in the bathroom or something, staring into a mirror. He looks worried. He thinks he sees something, so he turns around. Nothing is there. He looks back in the mirror and shakes his head. He’s likely selling the fact that he’s afraid of Bray Wyatt, which he admitted last week on RAW. We head to a commercial.
John Cena vs. Luke Harper (with Bray Wyatt and Erick Rowan)
When we return from commercial, we see highlights of John Cena’s match on Friday’s SmackDown. After that, his music hits and the crowd does their usual mixed reaction, mostly boo’s. The leader of the Ce-Nation makes his way to the ring wearing a shirt that reads, “You can’t stop me.” The Wyatt Family cut-in happens and the crowd explodes. “Brooklyn, we’re here.” They explode again. The Wyatt Family music hits and the trio makes their way to the ring. Bray sits in his rocking chair and blows out the latern. He pulls Luke Harper close to whisper something in his ear. Harper enters the ring and the bell sounds.
Cena goes after Harper immediately, but Harper drops him with an elbow. Harper establishes the early control over Cena as the loud “let’s go Cena” and “Cena sucks” dueling chants break out in the Barclays Center. Harper whips Cena hard into the corner. Harper connects with a hard right hand and covers for a one count. Cena fights back to his feet but gets caught with a back breaker for a 2 count. Harper hits a 2 handed chop to Cena in the corner. Cena reverses Harper in the corner and hits a big splash. Harper explodes out and hits his JBL-like clothesline from hell.
Harper hits a pump handle fall away slam for a 2 count. Harper tosses Cena to the outside right in front of Bray and Rowan. Harper gives chase and lands a right hand. Harper tires to pull Cena in the ring but Cena hangs him on the top rope. Harper blasts Cena with another big elbow as we head to a mid-match commercial break.
When we return from commercial, Harper is still dominating Cena. We see Bray Wyatt and Erick Rowan watching the action at ringside. Loud “let’s go Harper” chants break out again as Cena blasts Harper with a suplex to slow down his momentum. Cena slams Harper and sets him up for his “you can’t see me” spot. When he leans down to say it, Harper blasts him in the grill with a kick. Harper slams Cena down for a pin attempt, but Cena manages to kick out at two.
Harper knocks Cena out to the floor. He follows that up with a big dive through the ropes. Wow. The fans break out in a “holy sh*t” chant. Bray gets out of his rocking chair and shouts at Harper to do something. As the action returns to the ring, Cena trips Harper up out of nowhere and applies the STF. Harper ends up breaking free and nails Cena with a DDT for another near fall.
Harper sits Cena on the top rope. Cena ends up knocking him off and nailing him with his top-rope leg drop. Cena hits the Five Knuckle Shuffle on Harper. He hoists him up for the Attitude Adjustment but Harper reverses it and slams Cena down to the mat. Harper goes for the pin, but Cena again finds the strength to kick out at two. Cena comes out of nowhere with a monsterous clothesline on Harper. Really big clothesline.
Out of nowhere, The Wyatt Family cut-in happens and the lights go out. When they finally come back on, we see Cena wearing the sheep mask and he’s tied up in the ropes. Bray yells “Follow the Buzzards” as the fans break out into a loud “this is awesome” chant. On that note, we head to another commercial.
Winner: No Contest
Naomi (with Cameron) vs. AJ Lee (with Tamina Snuka)
When we return from commercial, after seeing replays of what just happened with John Cena and The Wyatt Family, The Funkadactyls music plays. They dance their way to the ring. AJ Lee’s music plays next and the WWE Divas Champion makes her way to the ring, accompanied by Tamina Snuka. This will be a one-on-one match between AJ and Naomi.
The bell rings and the “CM Punk” chants immediately break out. Naomi, by the way, is still sporting the eye patch. AJ mocks Naomi for wearing an eye patch and then Naomi goes straight to work on her. AJ avoids Naomi’s butt-smash move and rolls out to the floor. She grabs her Divas title and purposely skips around to get counted out. The referee calls for the bell and Justin Roberts announces Naomi as the winner, but points out that AJ Lee is still the champion.
Winner via Count Out: Naomi
After The Match: New WrestleMania Match Announced
“Excuse me! I said excuse me!” Vickie Guerrero comes out and talks about her history with AJ Lee. She says she’s willing to forget all of that, but calls her a “real bitch.” She says she’s here tonight to announce that at WrestleMania, she will defend her title in the Vickie Guerrero Diva Invitational. It will be AJ against Naomi, Cameron, Brie Bella, Nikki Bella, Natalya, Eva Marie, Emma, Aksana, Alicia Fox, Summer Rae, Rosa Mendes, Layla and Tamina Snuka. We head to commercial.
New WWE Hall Of Fame 2014 Inductee
When we return from commercial, the latest addition to the 2014 class of the WWE Hall Of Fame is revealed. It is none other than Scott Hall.

Dean Ambrose & Seth Rollins vs. The Real Americans
After the WWE Hall Of Fame announcement, we hear The Shield’s music playing. The trio makes their way to the ring. Their previously announced tag-team match against The Real Americans is up next. On that note, we head to a commercial break.
When we return from commercial, The Real Americans make their way to the ring. Before they can get there, however, Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins attack them in the aisle. The action finally spills into the ring. The bell sounds to make this one official.
Cesaro goes to work on Dean Ambrose in the corner of the ring, however Ambrose reverses things and knocks him down to the mat. Cesaro fights back, but Ambrose makes the tag to Rollins. Rollins hits a neckbreaker for a 2 count. Cesaro tags in Swagger but Rollins is all over him. Rollins connects with the three amigos, the third assisted by Ambrose. Ambrose tags in and covers for a 2 count. Ambrose hits an elbow and covers for a two count. Ambrose hangs Swagger up on the ropes and hits a drop kick. Rollins tags in and hits a drop kick of his own for a two count. Rollins hits a big chop and tags in Ambrose. Ambrose hits a short arm clothesline for a one count. Ambrose locks in a modified STF and lets it go. Swagger hits a slam and tags in Cesaro. Cesaro hits a bunch of uppercuts and a big double stomp to the back of Ambrose. Cesaro covers for a two count. Cesaro now chokes Ambrose on the middle rope and tags Swagger back in. Swagger hits a belly to belly suplex for a two count. Swagger connects with the Swagger Bomb, and Cesaro comes over the top with the double stomp for another two count. Cesaro locks in a rear chin lock. Ambrose fights back to his feet, but Cesaro whips Ambrose chest first into the corner. Swagger now tags back in.
Swagger goes for another Swagger bomb, but Ambrose gets his feet up. Ambrose comes off the middle rope with a back elbow. Ambrose tries to get to Rollins but Cesaro cuts him off by hitting a boot to the face of Rollins. Cesaro hits a sunset flip, and then starts The Cesaro Swing on Ambrose. He swings him 20 times. Cesaro covers but it’s broken up by Rollins. Cesaro knocks Ambrose off the apron to the floor. Both Real Amercians grab Ambrose and swing him into the barricade. On that note, we head to a mid-match commercial.
When we return from commercial, Cesaro is going to work on Ambrose in the middle of the ring as Zeb Colter shouts instructions from the floor. A loud “let’s go Shield” chant breaks out as Ambrose tries to make a comeback. Cesaro cuts him short and slaps him in the face. Ambrose fires up and tells him to slap him again. Cesaro does. Ambrose fires up even more and starts slapping Cesaro like crazy. Both guys end up making the tag. Rollins quickly gains control of the offense on Swagger.
All hell breaks looose. When the smoke clears after a ton of double-team moves and all four guys fighting tooth and nail, Rollins hits his “Peace of Mind” kick on Swagger after escaping a his Patriot Lock attempt. 1-2-3. The Shield wins.
Winners: Dean Ambrose & Seth Rollins
After The Match: Broken Tables & New WrestleMania Matches
As soon as the match ends, Cesaro jumps on Rollins. Roman Reigns ends up making the save. He spears him. He goes out to the floor and spears Swagger as well. All three members of The Shield clear off the announce table. Ambrose and Rollins hand Cesaro to Reigns, and the trio hits their trademark triple powerbomb on him through the tables. The crowd explodes. Kane’s music hits. He says The Shield have been signed to a match at WrestleMania against The New Age Outlaws …and him. He says they are going to anihilate them at WrestleMania. He ends by saying “believe that.”
Brock Lesnar & The Undertaker Confrontation
We see Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar backstage making their way to the ring. On that note, we head to what will likely be our final commercial break of the evening.
When we return from commercial, we get right to it. Brock Lesnar’s music hits and out he comes with Paul Heyman. Heyman once again puts over The Undertaker’s impressive undefeated streak of 21-0 at WrestleMania. As Heyman guarantees us that Lesnar will break the streak, we see Lesnar’s shirt, which reads, “Eat. Sleep. Break The Streak.”
Heyman talks again about some of the other top WWE Superstars in history who haven’t come close to 21-0 at WrestleMania. As Heyman continues to ramble, Lesnar snatches the mic away from him out of the blue and says “enough Paul.” He says he’s not here to promote, he’s here to fight. He says he’s here and Undertaker is here. He screaches out the words, “let’s do this!” and slams down the mic.
Some weird singing plays, the lights turn purple/blue and the fog starts pouring as some druids roll a casket down to the ring. Lesnar looks confused, Heyman freaks out a bunch verbally off-mic and Lesnar slaps the casket with his foot a bunch to see if it moves. Nothing happens. Lesnar finally, hesitantly, opens the casket. Nothing is in there. Lesnar yells off mic, “is this some kind of joke!”
Lesnar exits the ring and yells “do you think this is funny?!” The druids turn around and start slowly walking off. Lesnar walks back to the casket and slams it shut. The fans break out in an “Under-Taker” chant. Lesnar gets back on mic and says he ain’t here to play games. Heyman says this is typical. Heyman puts down Brooklyn and says all Undertaker brought was an empty casket. Out of nowhere, the casket opens on its’ own. We see Undertaker laying in it. Taker sits up like only he can and enters the ring.
The lights come back on and Lesnar looks like he saw a ghost. Lesnar goes to punch Taker but Taker avoids it and peppers Lesnar with punches. Taker clotheslines Lesnar over the top. It looked like he was supposed to fall into the casket, but the lid shut as he came over the top and Lesnar bounced his head off of it instead. Lesnar points to the WrestleMania XXX sign hanging above the ring. Taker does too and then does the knife-slicing gesture across his throat with his thumb. Undertaker’s music plays again and the lights turn back to his blue/purple color. RAW ends on that note.


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